Computer Programming for the Rest of Us!

StoryCode is a way of thinking that unites reading and writing fiction with computer programming. From oldest times, humans have used stories to share information, best practices and new ideas. That mode of learning works just as well with the digital machine!

Begin with What You Already Know.
Once upon a time, computer programming languages were harder to understand than foreign languages, but today the tools and "environments" for writing code are simple and clear enough for any regular reader to use. If you enjoy a clever short story or mystery novel, you probably already know half of what you need to learn to start programming. You just need it laid out in the terms you already understand.

StoryCode presents computer and programming fundamentals through a literary lens, using personification and metaphor to build a foundation of essential understandings. Characters in stories act out the behaviors of elements in programs. A tale with multiple endings models the expanding possibilities of interaction with program users. The structure of a story can guide you in structuring your code.

Create as You Learn.
As you read and build your knowledge, you'll use different software tools and languages to express yourself through fun code projects. From animations and games in MIT's Scratch environment to webpages that can be shared around the world to complex Python programs, you create as you learn with StoryCode, turning your literary skills into coding skills.

It's Computer Science, Not Rocket Science!
Most importantly, StoryCoders learn to look at programming, literature and the world with a heightened sense of metaphor and digital understanding. Yes, what runs across our screens today is incredibly complex and represents untold hours of painstaking, cooperative work by legions of highly trained computer scientists, but you don't need to be a jet pilot to make a paper airplane. The most fundamental, important and enjoyable aspects of computer programming are learnable by everyone. StoryCode lays a foundation of knowledge and skills that will see you comfortably at home in our increasingly digital world.